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6 Top fruits that cure hair fall! « Express Gift Service

6 Top fruits that cure hair fall!

January 8th, 2016

Are you facing troubles with your hair? Is hair fall a pain for you recently? Well, if you enhance your eating habits and add few of these essentials to your fruit baskets, then you can fight hair loss in a natural way. Stop taking medicines or supplements to grow your hair out or to prevent hair loss. Just eat these fruits on a regular basis to see great results…

  • Oranges – Orange is a rich source of Vitamin C which is great for so many health problems. Not just health issues but Vitamin C can boost hair gain quickly. If you have oranges every day, then you will see changes in your hair in just 2 weeks. So start eating oranges today!
  • Grapes – We all know the miracles grape seed oil does and that enough tells us that grapes are helpful for curing hair fall. The antioxidants and minerals found in grapes can strengthen the hair and lessen hair loss in just 4 weeks. Go ahead and buy grapes right away from the market. Don’t forget to add it in your diet on a day to day basis.
  • Apples –We all know the famous saying, an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Well, that is true! Apple has tons of vitamins, fibre and antioxidants, which help in preventing plus curing hair loss. If you have been struggling with hair fall since a while, then you must eat apples every day. If required, eat two apples for breakfast every morning along with the other fruits to help your hair from getting completely damaged.
  • Strawberries – This little red fruit can do wonders. It doesn’t just help in curing diseases, but it also helps in enhancing the hair. If you have frizzy, rough hair, then you must start eating strawberries right now. With regular consumption, your hair texture will improve over time and all the vitamins in this fruit will keep it from breaking.
  • Plums – Plums is a tiny fruit, but it is packed with the goodness of nutrients. If you have severe hair fall, then you make a hair pack using the pulp of plum fruit. Directly apply it to the hair and see the magic in just few weeks. You must also consume plums to quicken the hair gain process.
  • Guavas – Yes, Guava is yet another fruit that can help in hair growth and also cure hair fall. The fruit is a rich source of Vitamin A, which promotes hair growth and also enhances the functioning of the membranes. You can eat this fruit or use a hair mask for effective results. Just add a little lemon to the mixture and apply this on your hair. Make sure you crush the fruit well in a food processor.

We hope these ideas help you out and lessen your hair fall issue. In case, you are sending fruit basket delivery UK then make sure you add all the above listed fruits without fail. Also, don’t forget to incorporate this list of benefits of every fruit.